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2024 Committee Nominations

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

Make a difference at BHC!

As we enter a new season at Bellville Hockey Club, we are looking for committed and hard-working members and parents to join our Committee. The club relies heavily on the voluntary support from our members, and as we all know: more hands, make light work.

To nominate yourself for a role on the 2024 Committee, please complete the nomination form below - you're also welcome to nominate yourself for more than one position.

For an overview of what each position entails, please click here.

PLEASE NOTE: Nominations Close on 07 December 2023

2024 Committee Roles

Club President (Executive Role)

  • To be the club’s main “figurehead”
  • To coordinate with the Chairman to keep the day to day activities moving. 
  • To coordinate with the Treasurer to ensure transparent and proper management of club finances. 
  • To coordinate with external roleplayers like the Western Province Hockey Union, SAHA and the City of Cape Town / City Council

Chairperson (Executive Role)

  • The Chairperson will be responsible for guiding the activities of the Club in accordance to the Constitution
  • Ensure that all legal obligations are met by the Club
  • Chair Committee meetings and ensure that all members of the Committee carry out their responsibilities. 
  • Allocate tasks to various Sub-Committees. 
  • Assist the Secretary with letter writing where applicable and appropriate. 
  • The Chairperson shall present a full report of the year’s activities at the AGM. 
  • Sign minutes at meetings once confirmed as a true and correct record. 
  • Be the “business face” of the club.

Vice-Chairperson (Executive Role)

  • Responsible for managing various streams of responsibilities or Sub-Committee portfolios. 
  • Monitor paid employees, ensuring they have up-to-date job descriptions and employment contracts, and are given annual salary and performance reviews. 
  • Establish a development plan for Sub-Committees. 
  • Establish an effective business plan by delegating out roles with full time job descriptions to committee members and Sub-Committees.

Treasurer (Executive Role)

  • To manage the finances of the Club.
  • To liaise with an Accountant and Auditor to produce an annual set of accounts for the Annual and Special General Meetings. 
  • Receive and bank all income from subs, donations, sponsorships, merch sales etc.
  • Pay all accounts after approval from the committee. 
  • Prepare and present a budget at the beginning of a new season. 
  • To be responsible for recommending fees. 
  • Present updated financial position at each committee meeting. 
  • Maintain accurate records of the financial position of club members and to liaise with the Registration Officer.

Club Captain | Ladies + Men (Executive Role)

  • Players’ Representative.
  • To chair bi-weekly selection meetings.
  • To liaise with all playing members of the club and act as a link between players and the Committee. 
  • To assist coaches with the retention and recruitment of players. 
  • To make yourself known to all club players and uphold all club rules. 
  • To liaise closely with coaches and managers during the season and advise the committee of any issues that may arise. 
  • To ensure functions and activities planned by the Committee are communicated to teams.

Secretary / Club Manager

  • To attend to correspondence (Inwards and Outwards) and Administrative and Organisational matters including minute taking. 
  • To ensure that every player is registered with SAHA, BHC and that their subs are up to date. 
  • Receive all correspondence for presentation at each committee meeting. 
  • Record minutes at Committee meetings.
  • Type up minutes and post to committee members prior to the next meeting.
  • Send out correspondence as determined at committee meetings.
  • Maintain a database of all club members and sponsors.
  • Prepare any other material requested at the committee meetings e.g. newsletters, flyers, invitations.

Social Convenors

  • Responsible for organising the season’s social events, with specific responsibility for:
  • Producing a programme of events for the season and agree them with the committee.
  • Publicising the events to ensure good participation (with the Glub Manager)
  • Organising the events and ensuring that they are run well.
  • Manage all of the collection of monies etc for each event and provide the Treasurer with summary accounts/receipts etc.

Match Secretary 

  • To coordinate pre-season trials and fixtures for all club teams in consultation with team management + coaches. 
  • To ensure coaches and managers are aware of league formats and the rules of the season.
  • To collate weekly results and forward to the Western Province Hockey Union
  • To allocate umpires to matches and ensure all Club umpires are of an acceptable level. 
  • To provide additional training and Q and A sessions for Club umpires.

Kit & Merchandise Manager

  • Maintain an inventory of all club kit and merchandise, hockey balls, bibs etc.
  • Manage new orders and sale of player kit and Club merchandise. 
  • Have equipment in need of repair, restored prior to the start of the new season. 
  • Distribute gear to the respective teams coaches/managers with a list of contents. 
  • Collect all gear and equipment at the end of the season and check for damage and missing equipment that needs repairs or replacing. 
  • Submit a budget to the Treasurer for new purchases prior to the commencement of the new season. 
  • Make purchases after Committee approval.

Clubhouse Manager

  • Responsible for the day to day running of the clubhouse. 
  • Ensure the clubhouse is open and tidy on training and match days. 
  • Manage the bar and tuck shop stock effectively. 
  • Manage helpers to work and assist behind the bar and in the tuck shop.

Head of Sponsorship

  • To liaise with stakeholders who are interested in providing donations or sponsors to the Club. 
  • To actively seek and approach key businesses to pitch sponsorship proposals. 
  • Liaise with the Treasurer to ensure accurate and timely payments of sponsorship funds. 
  • Assist in the completion of Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) registration.

Media / Marketing Manager

  • Ensure that all social media and marketing content are distributed professionally. 
  • Ensure that shared content is in line with the goals and branding of the Club.
  • Requires a working understanding of social media platforms, graphic design and software platforms like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Premier Pro and After Effects.
  • To ensure that the website is running and up-to-date with the latest info and members are able to register, pay subs and purchase merchandise.

Parents Representative (Boys + Girls)

  • To be a representative and act as a link between the parents of juniors and the Committee
  • Facilitate communication and complaints, feedback or queries from parents and junior players
  • To assist with the smooth running and future expansion of the junior section.

Sub-Committee Member

  • The Sub-Committee role will not be a full-time Committee position. Where extra assistant is required on specific projects, Sub-Committee members will be able to volunteer their assistance in that particular project. A Committee Member will be appointed to oversee the project and report back to the Committee as a whole.